Spring 2025 Training Cohorts
Forge America offers training, resourcing, and gathering to support missional practitioners all across the country. You can stay up to date on what's happening around Forge completely free by signing up here.
When you're ready to be a part of the Forge community you can enroll in a Forge membership for ongoing access to Forge training, Forge resources, and our annual Forge national gathering.
Already a member?
Three Ways We Connect
We offer seasonal online training cohorts led by experienced missional practitioners from around the country
Open to anyone
Anyone can join a cohort for a small fee
Discounted for Members
Practitioner-level Forge members receive a discount code. Training cohorts are included for Pioneer- and Partner-level Forge members
Pioneer- and Partner-level Forge members are equipped to be a missional movement-builder in their context with a resource database of:
whiteboard sketches and outlines of key missional principles
Interactive exercises to help others develop missional practice
multi-session courses for building community on mission
We put on two big relational gatherings each year:
Forge National Gathering
A family reunion for Forge members
Missional Expressions Summit
A regional conference open to anyone
We invite you to peruse this page to consider what connection to Forge would best serve you. If you have questions about how you can best connect with Forge in your current season, please email info@forgeamerica.com